Blog of the Week May 14, 2006
I'm a day late as Adelphia must have been having problems yesterday because after maybe an hour of reading my blog list, my connection went *Poof* and was pretty much that way most of the day.. so without further ado.. this week's salute goes to one of my most favorite new friends I've met on this circuit of foodie love. Her name is Ellie and you can find her at Kitchen Wench, a lovely blog written by a gal who's enthusiasm for cooking is awe inspiring. She isn't afraid to take on her "kitchen demons" and most times, ends up kickin' their asses!! She has a wonderful sense of humor and warmth about her.. she just makes you feel extremely special :) I especially like that a lot of her recipes are "foreign" to me. Just last week she was talking about a certain sweet cake that a lot of Aussies enjoy with their tea and I had no idea what they were.. so I asked her what they hell they were! And instead of just an explanation? She went and baked them so I could actually see what she was talking about! Now how many people would take the time to educate a Yank like me by going to all that trouble? Ellie would :D So, not only, am I assured of a good giggling fit by the time I'm done reading one of her posts, but I also get to see what people from so far away are eating. I love, love, love that about certain blogs, I find it completely fascinating. Another thing you'll take away from Ellie's blog is the true feeling that she is a gal full of love for her family and friends and someone who honestly loves to make those people happy by feeding them her creations.. Oh yeah.. and if all of that isn't enough.. if you are a doggie lover, there's also Mr. Woofy.. he'll melt your heart the instant you see him :D Labels: Blog of the Week |
Comments on "Blog of the Week May 14, 2006"
Ohmahgawd, the blushings of doom...
Actually...*grabs some marshmallows*
I'm gonna be that cave...toasting marshies with the heat off mah blush!
(Am glad you like the blog btw :D)
I'll have to check it out.
You know, you are like the Dolly Levi of the food blog world--you know everybody! Thanks for all the great links.
P.S. I think you are nocturnal; your posts are always time-stamped long before the sun rises. The early bird...
Emily - please do.. Ellie is terribly funny and a great lil cook to boot! =)
Kevin - lol well no, I really don't know many.. I just have luck in finding good blogs to read :D
I wish I was nocturnal.. I use to be.. yanno, up all night, sleep all day kinda party gal.. and then I hadda go and grow up *sigh* Actually these days, unless I'm forcing myself to stay awake for Grey's Anatomy, I'm in bed by 9ish *eek!* most nights and up by 5 am most mornings (when I do most of my postings). How the hell did that happen to me??? UGH! :D
Aww Ellie.. your so darn cute with lil red spots on your cheeks :D xoxo