Yes my doc is going to give me hell again.. but let's be honest. I just am not cut out to be a diabetic. I am a chocoholic and that "ic" came way before the diabet"ic" so the way I see it.. chocolate wins. Hands down.
So I was going through my Nigella and I found this recipe for Chocolate Espresso Cake with Caffe Latte Cream. Hello. Two of my favorite flavors - chocolate and coffee, how could I go wrong? Yeah well.. I couldn't. This cake is sinfully rich packed with a major decadently chocolate punch. And I even got a bonus surprise after cutting into it.. the middle is gooey and oozes like those lava cakes - not quite as much as a true lava cake, but oozey just the same. *swoon*
I do have to admit to one error in judgement while making this cake. The Caffe Latte cream is made with white chocolate. Something I loathe. She even makes a comment about people who dislike white chocolate, "Don't be put off if you don't like white chocolate: you don't taste it here; it just counters the sharpness of the instant espresso powder in a slightly caramelly way, which in turn is softened by the cream." But because of my extreme dislike for the stuff, I don't keep it in my house so I decided that a good dark chocolate butter cream would be good on this cake. Well.. no, it wasn't so great.. it was more like chocolate overkill. The next time I make this cake (and ohhh I will make it again!) I will either try the Caffe Latte cream or I will go without anything as the cake really can stand on it's own - it's that damn good.
The second small change I made, which really didn't effect taste at all but gave the sides a great deep dark brownish-black color, was I dusted my springform pan with Hershey's dark chocolate cocoa powder because I didn't have enough parchment paper to line the pan.
If you are a chocolate/coffee addict as I am.. try this cake =)
Chocolate Espresso Cake with Caffe Latte Creamcourtesy of Nigella Lawson
For the cake:
5 oz. bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped (I used Lindt semisweet) 1 stick, plus 3 TBS. butter 6 eggs 1 1/4 c. superfine sugar (I used regular white sugar that I ran through my food processor to make it fine) 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract 1/2 c. all-purpose flour 5 tsp. instant espresso powder 1/4 c./4 TBS. Tia Maria or other coffee liqueur (I didn't have any so I omitted it)
For the Caffe Latte Cream:
3 oz. white choclate, broken into small pieces 1 1/2 c. heavy cream scant 2 tsp. instant espresso powder
Take anything you need out of the fridge to bring to room temperature. The only truly important thing, however, is that the eggs aren't cold, so if they are, just put them into a bowl and cover them with warm water for 10 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350ยบ F. Butter and line a 9 inch springform pan.
Melt the chocolate and butter in a microwave or double boiler and set aside to cool slightly. Beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla together until thick, pale and moussey. They should have at least doubled in volume, even tripled. If you're using a standing mixer, as I do, this is effortless.
Gently fold in the flour and espresso powder, taking care not to lose the air you have created, and finally add the melted chocolate and butter, folding gently again. Pour into the prepared pan and bake for 35-40 minutes, by which time the top of the cake should be firm, and the underneath still a bit gooey. Immediately pour over the Tia Maria and then let the cake cool completely on a rack before releasing it from the pan.
 For the cream, melt the white chocolate either in a microwave or double boiler, and let it cool. Fold in the cream and espresso powder, whipping the latte cream together to thicken it a little. For some reason the white chocolate seems to make the cream instantly thicker; if I whisk the cream first it can seize a little when it's stirred into the chocolate.
Sit the sprung cake on a plate and fill the middle sunken crate with the caffe latte cream and dust with a little cocoa, or just put the buff-colored cream in a bowl with a spoon, to serve alongside the cake, dusting or not with cocoa or, indeed, instant espresso powder or a mixture of both, as you wish. Labels: Cake, Chocolate, Desserts, Nigella |
Comments on "Mocha Chocolata ya ya.."
you are killing me! and i am fresh out of any good chocolate. *pout*
I thought I knew all of Nigella's recipes but I had never seen this one before. Thank you so much ... it looks and sounds divine. And I'm so glad to see that you are allowing yourself the chance to enjoy chocolate every now and again.
And I'm so happy to see that you enabled comments from other users. Now I can leave comments galore!
Oh. My. God.
I want to marry this cake and have it's chocolatey, chocolatey babies.
(cue cries of "ewwww")
Well, you know what I mean! Though I don't know how the boyfriend may feel about being dropped for a chocolate cake ;)
This cake looks just too good! And bad. I better never make it, I probablt wouldn't be able to stop eating it...
Ali - hehe I'm sorry!
Ivonne - It came from her Feast book, she dedicates a whole section to chocolate cakes, so I definitely have more to try, Yay! Doctor be damned. lol
Ellie!! I've been up for about 20 minutes and I'm already larfing hysterically thanks to you.. that's the funniest comment I think I've ever read (still giggling over here) Can I be godmother to those chocolatey babies? teeee!
Ilva - You are probably right. It's so sinfully rich that you can really only cut a small piece at a time.. but it hasn't stopped me from having a small piece at a time - well 4 times so far. *grin*
Thanks for all the comments, girls, you made my morning :D
This is evil. Cafe latte sounds nothing short of amazing!
tanvi - you're right it does. The more I thought about it the more I wish I had ran down to the store for the white chocolate and made it. Next time... =)