Malto Mario


The Lady & Sons

1,000 Italian Recipes

Monday, December 03, 2007

Tiramisu - Creampuff Style :)

Hello! It's been a week again.. I promised to post more often and I put nothing up for a week. Go me. *sigh*

I just finished up the week from hell. Seriously. I couldn't have posted if I wanted to as I was no where near my PC for most of that time. Instead, I was following ambulances to the hospital. Now that's a lot of fun.. they ask you to not follow close behind, so you make a conscious effort to stay back yet you are soiling your shorts because you want to get there the second the ambulance does. I mean, how the hell would the ER docs know what to do if I weren't there?? Yeah, I'm one of those people.. I gotta know everything that's going on and I gotta be there for it all. How freakin annoying am I?

I actually just got done writing out the whole fakkin story about my mom and her 3 trips, 2 of which were via ambulance, to the ER (the first of those trips happened 1.5 hours after we brought her home from her first 4 day stay in the hospital.. the 2nd ambulance ride was after she was home for roughly 15 hours.) and realized that ya'll don't wanna sit at your PCs/lap tops for HOURS reading about my grief.

Suffice to say.. after 2 unblocked arteries and stent placements, severe lower back spasms and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) with a dash of pneumonia, she's home now. She is back on oxygen 24/7, but that's okay. Now we wait a month. Why? Because if all of that just wasn't enough to deal with all at once, they also found a "nodule" on her left lung. A biopsy was scheduled for last Friday, but it was found that the "nodule" is to small for even a needle biopsy. Therefore we wait a month for a new CAT scan to see if it's grown and then either a possible PET scan and/or biopsy.

I refuse to get frazzled/panicked over this. It could be one of a 1,000 things. It's on the very lower tip of her left lung, suggesting this could be a case of collapsed lung. It could also be a bruise brought on by the pneumonia - or even from her fall back in February. So ya'll keep your fingers and toes crossed.. and a few prayers couldn't hurt either, right? =)

Now enough. Let's move on to something so much more happier, shall we?

About a month ago, I got it into my head that I needed to make Tiramisu. I've never made it before, because I'm not a huge fan. I've only ever had it from a bakery and once at a restaurant and never did it thrill me. Go figure. But I saw these adorable Lady Fingers at the Trader Joe's while last minute shopping while Helene was still here and just had to buy them.

I mentioned to my sweet Ivonne that I wanted to make it and her response was to send me her family's recipe for it. How damn lucky am I?? :D Talk about having the perfect recipe for my first go at it!

Once I had all my ingredients out and at room temp, I started the recipe.. which was to mix the sugar and eggs together until they were pale and thick. No problem (I love you, my sexy KitchenAid!).. next, add the mascarpone & cream all at once and beat until smooth and thick.

Tiramisu Almost-disaster

Uhhh.. she's not smooth. And she ain't thick neither. Uhhh.. *panic*

"Yes, operator? Get me the Creampuff in Canada STAT" ring ring ring.. ring ring ringgggggggg "Hi! You've reached the Creampuff! I'm not home! So sorry about your luck and your coagulated eggs & cheese!! MUAHAHAHAA!"


Tiramisu Almost-disaster

"Yes, operator? Get me my Guru in S. Carolina STAT STAT!" ring ring ring.. ring ring ringgggggggg "Hi, You've reached your Guru! I'm not home! So sorry about your luck and your icky eggie cheesy disaster! MUAHAHAHAHAAA!"


So I uncracked the bottle of Jack and had myself a couple fingers worth. ;)

By that time my phone rings and HALLEY-LOO-YA it was my Guru, bless her cotton socks! She advised me that I should keep beating it until it starts to smooth out and then put it through a fine sieve and I should be fine. It wouldn't end up completely smooth, but it also wouldn't have the consistency of spoiled milk. *buuickkk*

And so I did, although I did change from the paddle to the whisk attachment, and sure enough, after 10 min. or so, it did start to come together and by the time I pushed it through the sieve, I had a semi-smooth mascarpone mixture. Phew! Disaster avoided once again thanks to my Guru. :D

After that, it was a cinch to put together, pretty much.. I did read the instructions wrong (surprise!) and only used 2 c. of espresso (recipe called for 4) to 1 TBS. sugar and 2 TBS. of Marsala - so my lil lady fingers were ROCKIN' if'n ya'll know what I mean? Zinggggg!


Now for the life of me I can not remember why I did not take any photos of the whole thing, quite possibly they came out all blurry? I dunno.. but anyhoo, it was gorgeous. Of course I had to make it even more sinfully delicious by adding 2 GENEROUS layers of grated dark chocolate. ;)

Where the photos make it look like it was grainy, it wasn't. It was very smooth and silky. This tiramisu wasn't too sweet, so the added chocolate was a match made in heaven. And the espresso/booze soaked cookies were good enough to eat by themselves. Which I might have done with the 5 left over cookies.. maybe. *blush*

The true test would be 2 nights later when I had some friends over for my 40th (gag) birthday party. One of my guests is a Tiramisu connoisseur and he promised to tell me the truth. He took a bite, his eyes rolled back into his head and I swear he started pulsating. Orgasmically like.. I shite you not. Yep! This Tiramisu made him a very happy camper. Yay!


Thank you SO MUCH, Ivonne! Not only have I learned what to do when my eggs and mascarpone curdle, but I am now a huge lover of Tiramisu. I've already got my mascarpone in the fridge and can not wait to get my hands on those lady fingers again.. soon.. oh yesss... soon. I think the Tiramisu would look lovely sitting next to Gracie's Croissant Bread Pudding on our Christmas dessert table, don't you? squeeeeee!!!

This is a Creampuff recipe and not mine to share. So I guess ya'll are going to have to come to my house this Xmas for a slice, yes? =)

Tiramisu & pretty napkins :)
Not only did My Sweet Creampuff give me this awesome recipe, but she also sent me the gorgeous napkins you see in the photo as part of my birthday present. =)


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Comments on "Tiramisu - Creampuff Style :)"


Blogger Unknown said ... (12/03/2007 8:36 AM) : 

I may be drooling over those pictures. Just maybe. The tiramisu looks fantastic!

I hope everything works out with your mom - I have my fingers crossed for her and your family.


Blogger Katie Zeller said ... (12/03/2007 11:07 AM) : 

You did have the week from hell...
But do you know what goes really well with a chocolate-y Tramisu?
A couple of fingers of Jack!
Really! Not kidding here!
You could even dribble it right over the top....


Blogger Katie Zeller said ... (12/03/2007 11:09 AM) : 

Forgot, fingers crossed for your mom and sending lots of positive thoughts! Hope you all can have a relaxing, peaceful holiday!


Blogger Mimmi said ... (12/03/2007 11:24 AM) : 

The way you describe your recipes is simply great and I always have lots of fun by reading them ;-D
Good luck for your next tiramisĂș (if you give him a second chance) and the best whishes for your mom!


Blogger breadchick said ... (12/03/2007 1:24 PM) : 

OH sweetie. I'm thinking about you and wish I could have been there to share a slice with you and cup of coffee.


Blogger Veron said ... (12/03/2007 1:43 PM) : 

I wonder if you freeze a slice and mail to me if it would survive the trip.


Blogger Helene said ... (12/03/2007 2:11 PM) : 

Fingers crossed for mom, all of us, Tippy included. You are so gonna get yelled at: it turned out this awesome and I did not get a slice express bad!!
Looks fabulous!


Blogger Gretchen Noelle said ... (12/03/2007 5:02 PM) : 

Will be praying for you and your fmaily at this time.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12/03/2007 7:15 PM) : 

Your mom and your family are in my prayers.


Blogger Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said ... (12/03/2007 7:18 PM) : 

Sending good energy to you and your mom. I hope she is feeling better, so she can enjoy some of this wonderful tiramisu.


Blogger Mary said ... (12/03/2007 7:37 PM) : 

Um, I live in Ohio, when are you serving that again?

we'll be praying for you and your mom.


Blogger Peabody said ... (12/03/2007 8:03 PM) : 

Sieves save many a dessert! Your dessert looks fantastic...Tiramisu is one of my all time favorite desserts.
So sorry about your mom. I will send some happy thoughts her way as well as have my mother pray(she has way better connections in that area than I do).


Blogger Unknown said ... (12/03/2007 8:35 PM) : 

Tiramisu is one of those things that I've never made but would love to try! Looks good. HOpe your mom gets some rest and lets herself heal. Prayers for sure...I think they're better than crossed fingers! :-)


Blogger Vicki said ... (12/03/2007 9:30 PM) : 

Eek, poor mom & poor you! Hope everything turns out ok. (BTW, tiramisu's gorgeous!)


Blogger Marie Rayner said ... (12/04/2007 2:56 AM) : 

Oh yummy that looks sooo good! I have made Strawberry tiramasu, but never that kind. I'll be doing a Pear Tiramasu Trifle for a dinner party up at the big house this weekend that I am going to post on my blog early next week, so hoping that will be good. I hope you don't mind but I've added your mom to my prayer list. Every little helps and all that.


Blogger Jenny said ... (12/04/2007 8:04 AM) : 

Hehe This cold snowy morning, reading this, all I can say is I love ya Lis! You make my day!
(PS Sending good wishes to your mom!)


Blogger Julie said ... (12/04/2007 10:52 AM) : 

All my best to you and your mom. I hope you have a lot more baking and a lot less ambulance chasing in the future!


Blogger Cheryl said ... (12/04/2007 12:20 PM) : 

Well happy birthday first of all!!!!

You did well with the tiramisu. I will be over in a few hours for my piece.

I hope for all the best with your mother.


Blogger Lis said ... (12/04/2007 2:03 PM) : 

Everyone - I can't tell you how much your well wishes for my mom mean to me. Thank you so much. =)

If I could, I'd make ya'll tiramisu right now! :D




Blogger browniegirl said ... (12/04/2007 2:34 PM) : 

Belated Happy 40th birthday Lis!! 40 is great but in my experience my best ever year was my 50th :) so you have something to look forward to!! Real sorry to hear about your Mom's health, I am definitely praying for her. Keep us posted...tiramisu is my absolute favourite dessert and yours looks very good. Oh to have that recipe....your posts are always such mood lifters for me. Today was a bad day until you made me laugh. Thank you!! Hugs Colleen in South Africa


Blogger Sara said ... (12/05/2007 1:22 AM) : 

I'm bookin my flight! And buying elastic waist pants.


Blogger Deborah said ... (12/05/2007 11:54 AM) : 

I have never been a tiramisu fan (not a fan of coffee flavor) but I had some a couple of weeks ago that was amazing, and now I want more!!

I hope everything gets better with your mom. I will say an extra prayer for her!


Blogger Callipygia said ... (12/05/2007 4:41 PM) : 

Lis- Gosh I am sorry to hear what has been happening over there. Keep us posted and I'll be sending you blessings. Oh yes and tiramisu looks divine!


Blogger MyKitchenInHalfCups said ... (12/05/2007 6:36 PM) : 

Your mom has been on my list for a week now with good thoughts and vibes and fingers & toes crossed.
I've never been a tiramisu fan until Angelika made me some in Vienna! That won my heart. This one sounds like it has some similarities.
I'll want you to be saving me a slice!
Wishing you all the best. Never feel you're a bother, you need to be in the know.


Blogger monica said ... (12/05/2007 11:10 PM) : 

haha you're way too funny! i love your stories. and i think your tiramisu looks just lovely!


Blogger Chris said ... (12/06/2007 6:53 AM) : 

Wow - Lis! I am sorry to hear about your week from hell. Your mom is in my thoughts & prayers.

Okay - so its 6:30AM, I am at work, the only one crazy enough to get here so early, delaying the inevitable - laughing out myself! What a wonderful description of a tiramisu journey. Like others have mentioned - I was not a huge fan. But, I had the most phenomenal tiramisu when I was in Warsaw this summer. Now...I am on the front lines cheering!


Blogger Inne said ... (12/06/2007 11:46 AM) : 

sorry to hear about your hellish week, Lis. Hope your mom recovers soon and will have a year without any hospital visits.

Your tiramisu looks wonderful, your friends were lucky to get a real slice!

Happy birthday to you! Cheers to another year of cucina adventures (your posts always crack me up).


Blogger creampuff said ... (12/07/2007 1:09 AM) : 

OH,WOW! I love how you grated all that chocolate on it! I must try this ... I think it looks fabulous. I'm sorry that your mixture broke but you know, sometimes these things happen! Your post is so funny ... as usual!

I'm going to miss you this week ...


Blogger Cynthia said ... (12/07/2007 4:36 PM) : 

Now that Tiramisu looks yummy!


Blogger Steph said ... (12/07/2007 11:52 PM) : 

I totally feel you on the whole "week from hell" thing. I'm in the middle of finals week.

Personally, I think its sick-minded that they put the worst time of year in the midst of the wonderful holiday season.

What a bunch of Scrooges.


Blogger Elle said ... (12/08/2007 12:11 AM) : 

Happy Round Number Birthday! The tiramisu is, of course, the best looking I've ever seen. Won't Ivonne share the recipe?
Hope your Mom feels better soon. Don't borrow trouble about the nodule. I'll keep her in my prayers and know many others will, too.
Hope the coming year brings you lots of $$, alcohol, and tons of sugar, butter, and cream. Happy Baking!


Blogger Annemarie said ... (12/08/2007 6:45 PM) : 

Your tiramisu does look absolutely worth all the calories. So sorry to hear about all the emotional turmoil you've been through. Hope things are genuinely on the up, and will be thinking good thoughts for you and your family.


Blogger Claudia said ... (12/09/2007 1:28 PM) : 

Nothing to do with Tiramisu (I also made a huge pan for a group for Thanksgiving), but I came across this nifty little conversion page and thought you all might be able to use it:

Happy Holidays!



Blogger Kristen - Dine & Dish said ... (12/11/2007 12:12 AM) : 

I'll be thinking about your mom. please keep us posted! She'll be in our thoughts and prayers.


Blogger Brilynn said ... (12/11/2007 11:36 AM) : 

I've made a tiramisu cake, but never a real tiramisu, looks wonderful! What have I been waiting for?


Blogger Laura said ... (12/11/2007 1:31 PM) : 

All extremities crossed for mama Lisa! Good thoughts (aided by lashings of tiramisu)flying from my side of the Atlantic.


Blogger Sabra said ... (12/12/2007 11:47 PM) : 

yum - there are few things I love more than tiramisu. never tried it though - after this, I must!


Blogger Belinda said ... (12/14/2007 6:30 PM) : 

Oh my gosh, Lisa. I'm so sorry about your Mom's health scare! I can just imagine how panicked you must have been trying to deal with all of this. I hope to read soon that she is much, much better, and hope that she gets the most encouraging news going forward. Bless your heart. I know I've been in misery mode myself lately and haven't been reading blogs...even my favorite ones (yours definitely on top of my list!). I'm sending a prayer up for you and your Mom this very minute.


Blogger Caribbean Dreamer said ... (12/15/2007 9:53 PM) : 

Lis - I hope your mother is doing better. It's tough to be sick anytime, but right around the holidays makes it even stressful. Merry Christmas to you and your family!


Blogger Tracy said ... (12/28/2007 1:15 PM) : 

What a gorgeous cake! I wouldn't have known what to do with the curdled mixture, either.
Hope your mom is doing ok.


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