2008 Had Better Kick 2007's Heiney!
Hello out there! I do not cook anything exciting, new or interesting any more. What is a food blogger to do? She could stop blogging, which she's pretty much accomplished. But she hates not blogging. She misses her lil blog. She could force herself to start cookin' new and exciting recipes! But she is all about comfort right now.. it's fakking cold outside. Oh!! I know!!! She can snag a minute or two and read a few of her favorite blogs and STEAL THEIR IDEAS!! WOO HOOOO!!!!! And what's even better? These ideas aren't really food related! I hope I don't get kicked outta the food blogger's club! But I figure, it's my kitchen - at least that's what the title of this lil blog implies, yes? So if it's my kitchen and I wanna make myself comfy at the kitchen table with some books, magazines, writing paper and pens, then I should be able to do that once in a while, yes? :D So we are starting off with not so much an idea stolen, but with a meme that my lovely friend posted on her blog last summer and DIDN'T tag me with. The nerve! A chance to talk about myself and she didn't pass the opportunity along? Hrmph. I hope you find this entertaining (below).. I enjoyed filling it out, as it IS all about me. :) And speaking of me.. If I haven't come off as completely self centered yet, why not kick off the new year by pounding that concept into your gorgeous and sexy lil heads a lil further by telling ya'll about this fantastic opportunity that has arisen! Someone out there actually likes my writing enough to ask me to contribute to their website! AND PAY ME! Hello? Somebody pinch me! So let me ask your opinions.. if some fantastical website wrote to you and asked you to pretty much do what you already love to do for free.. and then actually pay you, what would you do? After saying yes, of course.. Would you put off your first assignment for a few days.. then start writing it one afternoon.. then get sidetracked and not even think about it again until you get a letter from your new bosses asking if you'll be submitting your article at said time and that said time was like 6 hours earlier? No? That's just something I'd do? Mmm hmmm... Talk about wanting to crawl under the nearest slab of concrete. Gah. THANKFULLY, my new bosses did not fire me, but accepted my article which was just 8 hours late! Not only that.. but they LIKED it. Even though it was LONGER than Gone With The Fakkin' Wind. And not only that? But they deposited my paycheck in my Paypal account THE! VERY! NEXT! DAY! SHUT UP! The website? It's called Foodieview - maybe ya'll have heard of it? It's a great source for finding recipes and even restaurants in your area. And they've got a Foodieview blog that is now hosting a newsletter called The Recipe Roundup. The newsletter features your favorite bloggers writing about subjects they love and including recipes that really mean something to them. I'm one of those bloggers! Woot! And so is Andrea, who is a fellow Daring Baker and all around fantabulous writer. =) The Recipe Roundup is still a baby, so there will be many more awesome bloggers contributing in the future. Check it out here and then go back and visit every Monday, which is when a new Recipe Roundup is posted. AND In an upcoming post, I will be reviewing a very important baking "tool", if you will. I'm not going to say what it is right now, but it's something we all use and most likely take for granted. A very nice man from public relations company has asked me to use this product and then, if I'd like, to blog about what I thought. Well, I like. So look for that in the next week or so, because I'm going to be asking ya'll a question about this product. Having absolutely no background in public relations or advertising, I feel completely comfortable enough to pass this info along in hopes that maybe your opinions will help him and his company. =) And now.. FINALLY.. that meme I mentioned about 38 paragraphs earlier! INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so: (Okay so this meme was originally done back in the summer, so the original 5 have certainly moved on by now.. and since I’m stealing this meme, I might as well change the rules to suit my fancy, right? Oh and if you are on the first list of 5 you have to do the meme too. Heeee! Or not.. whichever you prefer. I’m so easy.) 1. Technicolor Kitchen - Patricia 2. Taste and Tell - Deborah 3. The Pie Lady - Brittany 4. Feeding My Enthusiasms - Elle 5. Culinary Concoctions by My Gracie. Next, select five people to tag: 1. Sara – i like to eat 2. Marie – A Year at Oak Cottage 3. Lindsay - Country Girl, City Living 4. Laurie - Quirky Cupcake 5. Kelly – Sass and Veracity What were you doing 10 years ago? I was on my 2nd year at my present place of employment and things were not good. Lots of in-house fighting, lots of back stabbing.. it was horrible. My father had just started becoming ill, so I was helping my mom take care of him as well (I lived with the ‘rents back then!) What were you doing 1 year ago? hehee not much. Working, blogging, baking, cooking, planting, marketing, working, playing, cuddling with my kids Nigel & Chloe, working, cooking, baking, creating friendships that I never thought I’d be lucky enough to have. Five snacks you enjoy: 1. Jif peanut butter on a spoon. 2. Red or black seedless grapes wrapped in prosciutto de parma. 3. Benne wafers!! 4. Popcorn – sometimes buttery, sometimes kettle corny and sometimes peanut buttery. 5. Dark chocolate Five songs that you know all the lyrics to: 1. Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody (complete with headbanging) 2. Tesla – Gettin' Better (and every other song they’ve EVER SANG) 3. AC/DC – Highway to Hell (and every other song they’ve EVER SANG) 4. Detroit Rock City – Kiss 5. Sister Christian – Night Ranger Five things you would do if you were a millionaire: 1. Make sure my mom, my sister, W’s mom, W's brothers and all of my friends never having to worry about money again. 2. Hire Oprah’s chefs and trainers. 3. Open my own Italian restaurant 4. Move to Italy 5. Travel Five bad habits: 1. Smoking! 2. Eating before I go to bed. 3. Swearing like a marine. 4. Letting my desk pile up with pish. 5. Biting my nails. Five things you like doing: 1. Taking care of my family. 2. Cooking and baking 3. Writing and making myself look like an ass. 4. Watching movies and reading 5. Marketing and/or 1 tank trips Five things you would never wear again: ![]() 1. Headbands.. circa 1989 and Jon Bon Jovi 2. Torn jeans. 3. Spandex shorts underneath the torn jeans.. ugh. 4. High top tennis shoes 5. Overalls Five favorite toys: 1. My PC 2. My brand spankin’ new cast iron dutch oven!! 3. My camera – sometimes. 4. Our outdoor grill.. all metallic and shiny.. 5. Nigel & Chloe – ‘kay they aren’t toys but I play with them ALL THE TIME. :D Labels: Meme, Rantings and Ravings |
Comments on "2008 Had Better Kick 2007's Heiney!"
Ahhh girl, you break my heart sometimes. You dinnent tag ME?!?! What and that we both have the same tastes in music an' all?
(It took me a long time to get "let there be rock") on CD... Sister Christian was one of my theme songs in high school... Of course, I would have thrown in some Stevie Ray Vaughn, Joe Satriani and maybe some Cars..
congrats on the article!
Hehe you are such a hoot sometimes!
Looking forward to the million and one questions about the unknown kitchen item, and congrats on the new writing gig!
That. is. so. funny.
First of all, congratulations on the Foodieview gig! I told you blogging would make us rich!
I can't wait to read your articles.
The meme ... too funny! And hey I went to see Bon Jovi in concert before Christmas and thankfully they don't look like that picture anymore!
Good meme. I hope 2008 is a great year for you whether you write about food related stuff or whatever. I'll check out foodieview for sure!
Jeez, how did I make the cut??? What do I have to do again?? lol Just answer the questions and tag 5 people? Not sure I know 5 people to tag!! Yes, I know, Im very, very sad. Ive been blogging 6 months but I still feel like such a newb.
Great post Lis, your hilarious. Congrats on the gig, that kicks ass! xo
Memes are good to get to know people's weird sides better, LOL. And they are also good when we run out of ideas to write about in our blogs, though frankly I don't see you running out of ideas. I love how you think and how you share those thoughts with your readers. That's one reason why you are one of my favorite bloggers. Congratulations for becoming a Foodie view contributor. :D
I want cheesy, gooey, saucy recipes form your kitchen!! Now now...who wrote me "please no more memes!"...I am glad you changed your mind and "stole" it (you rebel!) because I snorted my coffee one more time!!
Your article on Foodieview was a treat to read (except I forgot to comment.:()and what a great way to start 2008. May the year rock away!
I love to read memes about people - it's fun to learn some non-food related things about people! I swear I did this meme, but I can't find it now...
Congrats on the paid gig - I'm excited to read your articles!
Can I have your autograph, puh-lease, Lis? Since you're famous and all? The meme sounds HARD. Of course, they all sound that way to me because I have a love-hate relationship with them. Can I put it on my other bloggarooni and not my food blog? Okay. I'm off to read your article, you studette.
always lovely to come here! you are the best. you cheer me up.
Yikes. I am terrible at getting these done. I will have to work on it.
You crack me up! :-)
Congrats on the FoodieView gig (woohoo!), and thanks for the shout out. Happy New Year!
Verrryy interesting meme. I don't know you well, but I never would have taken you for being an AC/DC fan. Huh.
Congrats on the foodieview gig!
Thank you for giving me my first light bul moment of 2008 :0
Now I know how to pronounce meme and why...duh.........
I'll have to go over to Foodieview and check out your article. Congratulations!!!!Don't put down your camera ..I want plenty of photos so I can do my calorie-wise thing and lick the screen...
Congrats, Lis!! Headed over to Foodieview now to check things out. :)
Hey Lis, great article on foodieview! once i quit puffing and drop a few bricks myself i may just start that blog i always talk about! ciao paisano! dc toronto
congrats on your writing gigs!
I had a great laugh reading this post - thanks for cheering me up!
Lis, congrats on your writing gig and happy 2008!
Cingrats on the new job - lucky you! And only 8 hours? surely they didn't complain...they should consider themselves fortunate, indeed~
Lis - I had fun reading about your trip down memory lane! HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and the lil ones!
Of course they asked you to write for them...your writing is some of the funniest and most delightful to read in the blogosphere. I'll have to go check it out.
Ah, the meme...well I will get that up soon, but we are tenting the house this week, so it may have to be next week. Such fun to read yours...you actually know all the lyrics to those songs...I'm floored. I'm going to be a dud in that section...but I can recite the recipe for Anzac cookies from memory instead.
Happy New Year and happy writing for pay...money for more dark chocolate???
Lisa, I love you! There, I've said it! :) It's about time someone pay your for your refreshing writing.
I hope that 2008 is a great year for you dearest!
So fun getting to know you! You may want to rethink the ban on the headbands...now that you are getting paid to write (yea!!) you can start putting on rock star airs. Looking forward to reading more and joining the Daring Bakers next month! Thanks again for your support.
Lis, I love you so much! I save your posts for the days I just need a big ole "pick me up"!!
Congrats on the pay to write about food job. You my luv, deserve something great like this right now.
WOW,I love that you are stealing ideas from other bloggers. We don't call it stealing in Education we call it Borrowing.
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Sharona May